Improve Student Belonging for Academic Success

There is a rhythm and flow to any school day with students attending classes, engaging with friends, and participating in sports, clubs, and other activities. In the midst of that daily routine, students are constantly seeking to be seen, heard, and valued: they are seeking belonging.
Student belonging is a deep connection to the school community, where students feel that their presence and contributions matter. Belonging empowers students to express themselves, work hard, and fully engage in their learning. It creates an environment where students can form lasting relationships, ask for help when needed, and reach their full potential without fear of judgment.
In this article, we explore why a sense of belonging is important for student achievement and how to cultivate it within classrooms and schools.
What Is Student Belonging?
Within the school environment, student belonging is the sense of connection, acceptance, and inclusion that students feel with their teachers, school staff, and peers. It involves feeling valued, respected, and supported by peers, teachers, and the broader school community.
Student belonging is an emotional experience that goes beyond simply being physically present at school. It involves feeling respected, valued, and appreciated within the school community. This internal sense of connection and acceptance is key to a student's overall well-being and engagement.
Belonging also means being part of a range of smaller-scale communities, like the range of classrooms students spend time in. When students feel their unique skills, perspectives, and experiences contribute to the learning environment, they are more likely to engage fully. This sense of purpose creates a safe space for students to express themselves and take risks. It boosts their self-confidence, motivation, and sense of connection to their individual classrooms and school.
Factors that Influence Student Belonging
There are several key elements that help shape a student's sense of belonging:
Student academic motivation plays a foundational role in how engaged and persistent students are in their learning. When students feel motivated, they are more likely to participate actively, set goals, and take pride in their academic achievements.
Individual traits and personal characteristics are essential for students to manage challenges, cope with stress, and maintain a positive attitude toward learning. Students who feel emotionally stable are better equipped to navigate the ups and downs of school life, which strengthens their connection to their school community and sense of belonging.
Student personal characteristics such as self-confidence, resilience, and a growth mindset allow students to feel capable and valued in the classroom. These characteristics help students embrace challenges and view setbacks as opportunities for growth.
Support from parents, teachers, and peers is also crucial, as it fosters a network of encouragement and guidance that reinforces students' sense of belonging. When students feel supported by those around them, they are more likely to engage in school activities and feel connected to their peers and educators.
School climate and school safety ensure that students feel safe and secure in their surroundings, which directly impacts their ability to focus on learning and contributes to a positive school culture.
By measuring students’ perceptions of these areas and proactively responding to their concerns, educators can create an inclusive environment where all students feel a sense of belonging.
The Intersection of Student Belonging and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL)

Student belonging is not a standalone initiative but can be nurtured through existing instructional practices, particularly SEL (social and emotional learning). SEL and student belonging go hand in hand, as the skills developed through SEL provide students with the emotional tools they need to connect, engage, and thrive in their school environments.
As students build the ability to navigate social interactions, manage their emotions, and cultivate positive relationships through SEL, they naturally enhance their sense of belonging within the school community. SEL equips students with the tools to understand and regulate their emotions, which directly influences their ability to build connections with peers and teachers. When students are emotionally grounded, they are more likely to feel secure, supported, and valued in their school environment, thus strengthening their sense of belonging.
The quality of student-teacher relationships is an important aspect of SEL that directly impacts student belonging. Teachers who cultivate trust, demonstrate empathy, and maintain open communication create a supportive classroom environment where students feel like they matter. These positive relationships foster a sense of safety and acceptance, making it easier for students to engage emotionally and academically and feel a sense of belonging.
How Student Belonging Impacts Learning
Student belonging plays an important role in shaping academic success. When students feel a sense of belonging in their learning environment, they are more likely to engage actively in their studies and participate in classroom activities.
Research shows that a positive sense of belonging can lead to improved motivation, better attendance, and a willingness to tackle challenges. Additionally, studies show that when students believe they are valued members of their school community, they develop a greater sense of ownership over their learning and are more resilient in the face of academic struggles. This emotional investment often translates into higher levels of academic performance and achievement.
The opposite is also true; Hascher and Hagenauer (2010) found that when students do not feel attached to their school, they are more likely to disengage, skip class, and drop out.
Allen et al (2018) found that student belonging strengthens the social and emotional foundations that are essential for academic success. Students who feel connected to their peers and teachers are less likely to experience feelings of isolation or stress, which can be detrimental to learning.
A strong sense of belonging also helps students develop self-confidence, reduce anxiety, and focus better on their academic tasks. It creates an environment where students feel safe to ask questions, seek help, and take intellectual risks (such as speaking up in class or taking on a leadership role in a collaborative project) without fear of judgment.
Ultimately, when students feel accepted and supported, their academic achievement is enhanced because they are able to fully engage with their learning.
Ways to Create a Sense of Student Belonging in the Classroom
So what can educators do to help students feel like they belong in the classroom? From building meaningful relationships with students to incorporating diverse perspectives and promoting collaboration, there are various classroom instructional practices that help to cultivate student belonging and ensure all learners feel valued and connected in their individual classrooms and within their school community.
Because teachers shape the learning environment in their classes directly, it’s a natural starting point for teachers. Below are some strategies to foster student belonging in the classroom.

Celebrating Individual Identities
Recognizing and respecting students' unique backgrounds helps them to feel valued and enhances their sense of self-worth and belonging. Activities like “show-and-tell” sessions, cultural heritage projects, or reflective discussions allow students to share their cultural traditions, personal interests, and unique experiences.

Culturally Responsive Practices
Culturally responsive teaching helps build student belonging and strengthens student-teacher relationships and students' connection to the school community.
Key strategies include:
Setting high expectations for all students and believing that all students are capable of success.
Creating a positive, respectful, and supportive classroom environment.
Making learning relevant and inclusive of diverse backgrounds.
Communicating effectively across cultures.

Encouraging Student Voice
Giving students opportunities to express themselves in diverse ways is key to fostering a sense of belonging. When students feel their opinions are valued, they are more likely to engage in class and feel ownership over their educational experiences. Encouraging open dialogue, incorporating student feedback into lessons, and involving students in setting classroom norms all help to build trust and respect.

SEL Activities
SEL activities connect students on an emotional level, creating a positive and supportive classroom atmosphere. Mindfulness exercises, gratitude circles, and team-building games foster empathy, emotional resilience, and a sense of community. These activities help students feel accepted and understood, reinforcing their place in the classroom.

Cooperative Learning
Activities such as group discussions, peer reviews, and group problem-solving challenges promote teamwork, help students appreciate different perspectives, and strengthen social bonds among students.
By implementing these practices, teachers can nurture a sense of belonging which will boost students' academic outcomes and overall well-being.
Measure Student Belonging with PERTS’ Elevate and Ascend
Measuring student belonging helps educators understand how connected students feel to their school community and to identify areas for improvement. Student belonging surveys are part of the PERTS Elevate (for grades 6–12) and Ascend (for higher education) programs. They not only assess student belonging but also provide actionable instructional strategies to adjust classroom practices to address student belonging.
Elevate Student Belonging Program
Elevate for grades 6–12 can be used to enhance student belonging, engagement, and learning for all students. The Elevate research-based survey provides valuable insights into students’ sense of belonging, and instructional practice guides help educators develop strategies tailored to the unique needs of each class based on survey results.
The Elevate survey measures nine core student belonging learning conditions. In the survey, students are asked the extent to which they agree or disagree with a range of statements. Below is a preview of three of these key conditions:

Affirming Identities
Students feel more connected to and motivated in classrooms that recognize and affirm their backgrounds and identities.
Sample Survey Item:
This teacher makes sure different backgrounds and perspectives are valued and supported.

Classroom Community
Students feel safe to engage and succeed in school when the classroom environment encourages a sense of community and fosters mutual support among classmates.
Sample Survey Item:
I feel comfortable sharing my thoughts and opinions in this class.
Explore Elevate’s 9 Core Student Belonging Learning Conditions
This resource includes a full overview of the core student belonging learning conditions Elevate measures. It includes the research behind each condition, sample items and links to the practice guides.
Insights to Help Educators Improve Student Belonging
Elevate reports provide educators with actionable data to assess students' sense of belonging in the classroom. The reports give insight into how students are experiencing their learning environment.
Elevate reports help educators:

Understand Student Experiences
The Elevate reports help educators learn how students are perceiving and experiencing their classes. Robust reports enable educators to understand their students’ needs across demographics and as a whole class or school.

Improve Learning Conditions
Educators can use the survey data to create a tailored plan for improvement that meets the unique needs of their classroom. They are provided with targeted instructional strategies that help improve classroom conditions for better student engagement and belonging.

Track the Impact of New Practices
As educators implement new practices in their classrooms, they can use the PERTS’ surveys to track the impact of changes over time. Since each class is unique, a strategy that works well in one classroom may not be as effective in another. The data help identify what works best for each classroom setting.

Feel Supported Through Ongoing Coaching and Guidance
PERTS is committed to helping educators get the most out of their student belonging programs. PERTS provides clear guidance on how to interpret data, take action, and identify starting points for improvement. For educators who are new to collecting student feedback, PERTS provides easy-to-use tools to help reflect on the data, talk about what the data shows, and create a plan to improve the classroom experience for all students.
Ascend Student Belonging Program
Ascend is a data-driven professional learning program that enables college instructors and administrators to learn how their students are experiencing courses and what they can do to make those experiences more equitable, more engaging, and more supportive of student success.
The Ascend survey measures seven core student belonging learning conditions. In the survey, students are asked the extent to which they agree or disagree with a range of statements. Below is a preview of three of these key conditions:

Belonging Certainty
Belonging uncertainty refers to the worry about how much one belongs or fits in within different contexts or over time. Social isolation and belonging uncertainty are negatively associated with achievement, performance, and well-being. Belonging certainty is the absence of this concern.
Sample Survey Item:
When thinking about this class, how often, if ever, do you wonder “Maybe I don’t belong here?”

Social Belonging
Students use social signals and the situation around them to determine if they belong in a particular setting. While all students may experience some uncertainty about belonging, those from underrepresented or negatively stereotyped groups often face higher rates of belonging uncertainty.
Sample Survey Item:
I feel comfortable in this class.

Identity Safety
Students feel safe to engage and succeed in school when the classroom environment encourages a sense of community, fosters mutual support among classmates, and affirms students’ diverse identities.
Sample Survey Item:
In this class, I worry about being judged negatively based on my group membership(s) (e.g., race, gender, social class, etc.).
Explore Ascend’s 7 Core Student Belonging Learning Conditions
This resource includes an overview of the seven core student belonging learning conditions Ascend measures. It includes the research behind each condition, sample items, and links to the practice guides.
Actionable Data to Support Student Belonging
Similar to Elevate (for grades 6–12), Ascend reports provide higher education faculty and administrators with actionable data to assess students' sense of belonging in the classroom.
Ascend reports help educators:

Understand Student Experiences
Ascend reports reveal how students are perceiving and experiencing their classes, allowing educators to identify group needs.

Improve Learning Conditions
Educators can use survey data to create tailored improvement plans and implement targeted strategies to enhance classroom engagement and belonging.

Track Impact Over Time
As new practices are implemented, Ascend’s surveys help educators monitor their effectiveness and adjust strategies for optimal results.

Receive Ongoing Support
Ascend provides continuous coaching and clear guidance to help educators interpret data, take action, and create plans to improve the classroom experience for all students.
Implement a Student Belonging Program with Elevate and Ascend Today
Student belonging is crucial for students’ engagement, motivation, and overall success, directly impacting their academic performance and emotional well-being. PERTS' student belonging programs allow educators to measure how students perceive their sense of belonging, identify areas where improvements can be made, and implement instructional strategies that will create a more inclusive and supportive learning environment.
Learn more about the PERTS student belonging programs today!
Measure and Strengthen Student Belonging with PERTS
PERTS student belonging experts are here to answer any questions you may have about how to measure student belonging and how to improve students’ experiences. Together, we can ensure every student has the opportunity to thrive and reach their full potential.